Alliance Protects

Silicon valley Home Maintenance Services

Home Maintenance Services

Homeowners in Silicon Valley have relied on our top-quality home construction and remodeling for decades and are now turning to Alliance for their home maintenance services. Four generations of construction knowledge and experience allows us to really know how a home should work. From that knowledge and knowing what’s necessary for followup after construction, we’ve established the Alliance Protects Home Maintenance Services Program to help homeowners like you stay safe, take great care of the homes they love, and preserve the value of their investment. While there are some disasters that obviously cannot be prevented, there are often steps that you can take to avoid fires and floods in your home – we are equipped with the steps needed to help protect your home. Whether it be that you’re a busy family who does not have the extra time or just want to hire someone to make sure it’s done right, Alliance can accommodate your home maintenance and prevention that suits your situation.

Alliance Protects Home Maintenance Services Program

Alliance Protects is your Go-To-Solution for home maintenance. Your home is likely one of your biggest investments, and we would like to help you keep it that way. We offer a semi-annual inspection of your home to ensure that everything is in tip top shape.

We are your one stop shop for protecting your home as well as your wallet. From the ground up, we take you through a comprehensive home inspection checklist. We cover all bases in this process. Our experienced technicians will fix, replace and make recommendations – essentially completing any task that you throw our way. Every homeowner knows that the little things add up. That’s why regular maintenance in and around the home is especially important. Our home improvement professionals know exactly what to look for and how to fix it.

Through our comprehensive preventative maintenance program, you will be able to sleep easy at night knowing that all of the checks and balances are in place. Just like a car, houses need maintenance and regular check-ups.

Alliance Protects Home Maintenance Gutters
Alliance Protects Home Maintenance Gutters

Alliance Home Maintenance Services Program Features

Homeowners in Silicon Valley have relied on our top-quality home construction and remodeling services for decades. Alliance knows how a home should work. We created the Home Maintenance Program to help homeowners like you stay safe, take great care of the homes they love, and preserve the value of their investment. While there are some disasters that cannot be prevented, there are often steps that you can take to avoid fires
and floods in your home – we are equipped with the steps needed to help protect your home.

The Alliance Construction Protects team is here to answer any questions you may have about the Home Maintenance Services Program. Give us a call to discuss the many benefits.

Alliance Construction

Campbell, CA

Bonded, Licensed and Insured
CA License #B782711

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